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100. Interfacially Assembled Anion Exchange Membranes for Water Electrolysis [Link]

H Kim,# S Jeon,# J Choi,# YS Park,# S-J Park, M-S Lee, Y Nam, H Park, MJ Kim, C Lee, SE An, J Jung, S Kim, JK Kim, H-S Cho*, AS Lee*, J-H Lee*

ACS Nano, 2024, 18 (47) , 32694–32704.

99. Diisocyanate-induced covalent cross-linking of MXene frameworks for electrically and mechanically robust EMI shielding films [Link]

S Lee, TY Ko, J Jong, AS Lee, J-S Lee, SJ Kim*

Composites Part B: Engineering, 2024, 287, 111847

98. Engineering Durable Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers through Suppressed Electrochemical Corrosion of a NiFe–Graphitic Carbon Shell Anode Catalyst [Link]

YS Park,# GH Choi,# J Jung, C-H Ahn, SS Hwang, MG Nam, PJ Yoo*, AS Lee*

ACS Catalysis, 2024, 14 (13), 9969-9984.

97. Oxidation of Molybdenum-Based Single-Metallic/bimetallic Carbide MXenes in Aqueous Suspensions: Mechanistic Insights [Link]

N Hussain,# A Chae,# A Iqbal,# S Doo, SM Naqvi, T Hassan, AS Lee, T Oh, CM Koo*

Langmuir, 2024, 40 (17), 9170-9179.

96. Ion-Exchangeable and Sorptive Reinforced Membranes for Efficient Electrochemical Removal of Heavy Metal Ions in Wastewater [Link]
JG Kim,# J Ku,#, J Jung, YS Park, GH Choi, SS Hwang, J-H Lee, AS Lee*

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 438, 140779. 

95. Unveiling the Role of Catalytically Active MXene Supports in Enhancing the Performance and Durability of Cobalt Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysts for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers [Link]

YS Park,# A Chae,# GH Choi,# S Ram, S-C Lee, S Bhattacharjee, J Jung, HS Jeon, C-H Ahn, SS Hwang, D-Y Koh, I In, T Oh, SJ Kim, CM Koo,* AS Lee*

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, 346, 123731. 


94. Alkaline-Stable, In Situ Menshutkin Coat and Curable Ammonium Network: Ion-Solvating Membranes for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers [Link]

J Jung,# YS Park,# GH Choi, HJ Park*, C-H Ahn, SS Hwang, AS Lee*

International Journal of Energy Research, 2023, 7416537, 1-12.

93. Combining First-Principles Modeling and Symbolic Regression for Designing Efficient Single-Atom Catalysts in the Oxygen Evolution Reaction on Mo2CO2 MXenes [Link]

S. Ram, G.H. Choi, A.S. Lee, S-C. Lee, S. Bhattacharjee

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15 (37), 43702-43711. 

92. Mitigating Phosphoric Acid Migration in High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells with Hydrophobic Polysilsesquioxane Binders [Link

D-Y Yoo, J Jung, YS Park, GH Choi, HG Yoon, SS Hwang, AS Lee*

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 18426-18433.

91. Unraveling the Influence of Oxygen Vacancies on the OER Performance of Co Single-Atom Catalysts Adsorbed on MXenes [Link]

S Ram, GH Choi, AS Lee, S-C Lee*, S Bhattacharjee*

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127, 26, 12576-12585. 

90. Thin Film Composite Membranes as a New Category of Alkaline Water Electrolysis Membranes [Link]

J Choi, H Kim, S Jeon, MG Shin, JY Seo, Y-I Park, H Park, AS Lee, C Lee, M Kim, H-S Cho*, J-H Lee*

Small, 2023, 2300825

89. High-Valent Metal Site Incorporated Heterointerface Catalysts for High-Performance Anion-Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysers [Link]

GH Choi,# NCS Selvam,# H Kim, YS Park, J Jung, MG Nam, HS Jeon, AS Lee*, W-S Yoon*, PJ Yoo*

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 333, 122816. 

88. Polydiallylammonium Interpenetrating Cationic Network Ion-Solvating Membranes for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers [Link]

J Jung,# YS Park,# DJ Hwang, GH Choi, DH Choi, HJ Park* , C-H Ahn, SS Hwang, AS Lee

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 10891-10900. 

87. Lanthanide and Ladder-Structured Polysilsesquioxane Composites for Transparent Color Conversion Layers [Link]

J Han,# D Burak,# V Poliukhova, AS Lee, H Jang, SS Hwang, K-Y Baek, J Han, B-K Ju*, S-H Cho*

Materials, 2023, 16, 2537.

86. Highly Oxidation‐Resistant and Self‐Healable MXene‐Based Hydrogels for Wearable Strain Sensor [Link]

A Chae,# G Murali,# S-Y Lee,# J Gwak, SJ Kim, YJ Jeong, H Kang, S Park, AS Lee*, D-Y Koh*, I In*, S-J Park*

Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2213382. 

85. Grain Boundary Engineering Strategy for Simultaneously Reducing the Electron Concentration and Lattice Thermal Conductivity in n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3-based Thermoelectric Materials [Link]

S Lee, S Lee, S-J Jung, GM Park, J Hong, AS Lee, S-H Baek, H Kim, TJ Park, J-S Kim, SK Kim* 

Journal of European Ceramic Society, 2023, 43 (8), 3376-3382. 

84. Selective Dissolution-Derived Nanoporous Design of Impurity-Free Bi2Te3 Alloys with High Thermoelectric Performance [Link]

S Lee,# S-J Jung,# GM Park, MY Na, K-C Kim, J Hong, AS Lee, S-H Baek, H Kim, TJ Park, J-S Kim*, SK Kim* 

Small, 2023, 2205202. 

83. Durable and Thermally Switchable Polysilsesquioxane Adhesive via Dynamic Covalent Bond: Effect of Crosslinker on Reversible Chemistry [Link]

SH Kang,#  JY Seo,# HJ Oh, J-H Lee, AS Lee, K-Y Baek*

Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2023, 7, 679-688. 

82. Best Practices for Correlating Electrical Conductivity with Broadband EMI Shielding in Binary Filler-based Conducting Polymer Composites [Link]

J Hong, J Kwon, D Im, J Ko, CY Nam, HG Yang, SH Shin, SM Hong, SS Hwang, HG Yoon*, AS Lee*

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 455, 140528. 


81. Dispersing Agents Impact Performance of Protonated Phosphonic Acid High-Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells [Link]

J Jung,# KH Lim,# S Maurya, LD Manriquez, V Atanasov, C-H Ahn, SS Hwang, AS Lee*, YS Kim*

ACS Energy Letters, 2022, 7, 1643-1647.

80. Binary Hybrid Filler Composite Formulations of Surface Modified Fe–Si–Al Alloys for Multifunctional EMI Shielding and Thermal Conduction [Link]

S Noh,# J Hong,# S-Y Choi, J Won, HG Yoon, CM Koo, AS Lee*, SS Hwang*  

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 284, 126024.

79. Strategically Altered Fluorinated Polymer at Nanoscale for Enhancing Proton Conduction and Power Generation from Salinity Gradient [Link]

PP Sharma, R Singh, SA Shah, CH Yoo, AS Lee, D Kim, J-G Na, JS Lee*

Membranes, 2022, 12 (4), 375.

78. Protonated Phosphonic Acid Electrodes for High Power Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Cells [Link]

KH Lim,# AS Lee,# V Atanasov, J Kerres, EJ Park, S Adhikari, S Maurya, LD Manriquez, J Jung, C Fujimoto, I Matanovic, J Jankovic, Z Hu, H Jia, YS Kim*

Nature Energy, 2022, 7, 248-259.

77. Advances in Ion Conducting Membranes and Binders for High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells [Link]

J Jung,# J Ku,# YS Park,# C-H Ahn, J-H Lee, SS Hwang, AS Lee*

Polymer Reviews, 2022, 1-37.

76. Pyro-polymerization of Organic Pigments for Superior Lithium Storage [Link]

T Lee, W Kwon, H Kang, S Chae, E Kim, J Kim, HG Chae, AS Lee, E Jeong*, JH Lee*, SG Lee*,

Carbon, 2022, 188, 187-196.


75. Organic Dye-Derived N, S Co-Doped Porous Carbon Hosts for Effective Lithium Polysulfide Confinement in Lithium–Sulfur Batteries [Link]

E Kim, AS Lee, T Lee, HJ Seo, S Chae, K Kim*, J-W Park*, SG Lee*, JH Lee*

Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(11), 2954.

74. Flowable Polysilsesquioxanes as Robust Solvent-Free Optical Hard Coatings [Link]

MH Choi,# JY Seo#, J Ahn, HY Woo, S Cho, SS Hwang, AS Lee*, K-Y Baek *

Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2021, 167, 105030.

73. Structure-Property Relationships of 3D-Printable Chain-Extended Block Copolymers with Tunable Elasticity and Biodegradability [Link]

RI Kim, G Lee, J-H Lee, JJ Park, AS Lee*, SS Hwang*

ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2021, 3, 4708-4716.

72. Effect of Thermal Processing on Brominated 6FDA-DAM for Effective Propylene/Propane Separation [Link]

XH Do, QT Nguyen, S Kim, AS Lee*, K-Y Baek*

Separation and Purification Technology, 2021 262, 118331

71. Photosensitive Hybrid Polysilsesquioxanes for Etching-Free Processing of Flexible Copper Clad Laminate [Link]

Y-M Choi, J Jung, AS Lee*, SS Hwang*

Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 201, 108556

70. Tailoring Selective Pores of Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes towards Enhanced N2/CH4 Separation Efficiency [Link]

HJ Yu, JH Shin, AS Lee, SS Hwang, J-H Kim, S Baek*, JS Lee*

Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 650, 1188814

69. Synergistically integrated phosphonated poly(pentafluorostyrene) for fuel cells [Link]

V Atanasov,# AS Lee,# EJ Park, S Mayrya, ED Baca, C Fujimoto, M Hibbs, I Matanovic, J Kerres*, YS Kim*

Nature Materials, 2021, 20, 370-377.


68. Energetics of Base-Acid Pairs for the Design of High Temperature Fuel Cell Polymer Electrolytes [Link]

I Matanovic,#* AS Lee,# YS Kim*

Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 2020, 124 (35), 7725

67. Tunable Crystalline Phases in UV-Curable PEG-Grafted Ladder-Structured Silsesquioxane / Polyimide Composites [Link

RI Kim, JH Shin, JS Lee, J-H Lee, AS Lee*, SS Hwang*

Materials, 2020, 13 (10), 2295

66. Fluorine-containing polyimide/polysilsesquioxane carbon molecular sieve membranes and techno-economic evaluation thereof for C3H6/C3H8 separation [Link]

JH Shin, HJ Yu, J Park, AS Lee, SS Hwang, SJ Kim, S Park, KY Cho, W Won, JS Lee*

Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 598, 117660

65. Molecularly engineered copolyimide film for capacitive humidity sensor [Link]

IJ Kim, JE Lee, JW Ko, J Jung, AS Lee, DJ Lee, SG Lee, BI Park, S Yu,* JH Lee*

Materials Letters, 2020, 268, 127565

64. PPE/Nylon 66 Blends with High Mechanical Toughness and Flame Retardancy [Link]

DK Kim, AS Lee, BK Baek, KH Song, SM Hong, CM Koo*

Macromolecular Research, 2020, 28, 103-109.


63. Understanding the enhanced electrochemical performance of TEMPO derivatives in non-aqueous lithium ion redox flow batteries [Link]

B Ok, W Na, TH Kwon, YW Kwon, S Cho, SM Hong, AS Lee, JH Lee,* CM Koo*

Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2019, 80, 545-550

62. On the origin of permanent performance loss of anion exchange membrane fuel cells: Electrochemical oxidation of phenyl group [Link]

S Maurya,# AS Lee,# D Li,# EJ Park, DP Leonard, S Noh, C Bae,* YS Kim*

Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 436, 226866

61. The energetics of phosphoric acid interactions reveals a new acid loss mechanism [Link]

AS Lee,# YK Choe,# I Matanovic, YS Kim*

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 9867–9876

60. Phenyl Oxidation Impacts the Durability of Alkaline Membrane Water Electrolyzer [Link]

D Lee,# I Matanovic,# AS Lee,# EJ Park, CH Fujimoto, HT Chung,* YS Kim*

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 9696–9701


59. How does a small structural change of anode ionomer make a big difference in alkaline membrane fuel cell performance? [Link]

EJ Park,# S Maurya,# AS Lee, DP Leonard, D Li, JY Jeon, C Bae, YS Kim*

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 25040-25046

58. Binder-less chemical grafting of SiO2 nanoparticles onto polyethylene separators for lithium metal batteries [Link]

W Na, KH Koh, AS Lee, S Cho, B Ok, SW Hwang, JH Lee, CM Koo*

Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 573, 621-627

57. Rigid Double-stranded Siloxane-induced High-flux Carbon Molecular Sieve Hollow Fiber Membranes for CO2/CH4 Separation [Link]

JH Shin, HJ Yu, H An, AS Lee, SS Hwang, SY Lee, JS Lee*

Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 570, 504-512


56. A rejuvenation process to enhance the durability of low Pt loaded polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells [Link]

DA Langlois, AS Lee, N Macauley, S Maurya, ME Hawley, SD Yim, YS Kim*

Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 396, 345-354

55. Mechanical properties of ladder-like polysilsesquioxane-based hard coating films containing different organic functional groups [Link]

SO Hwang,# AS Lee,# JY Lee, SH Park, KI Jung, HW Jung, JH Lee*

Progress in Organic Coatings, 2018, 121, 105-111

54. En masse pyrolysis of flexible printed circuit board wastes quantitatively yielding environmental resources [Link]

JW Kim, AS Lee, S Yu*, JW Han*

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 342, 51-57

53. Bromination/Debromination-Induced Thermal Crosslinking of 6FDA-Durene for Aggressive Gas Separations [Link]

H An,# AS Lee,# I Kammakakam,# SS Hwang, J Kim, JH Lee, JS Lee*

Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 358-366​. 


52. Hybrid ionogel electrolytes with POSS epoxy networks for high temperature lithium ion capacitors [Link]

W Na,# AS Lee,# JH Lee, SM Hong, E Kim, CM Koo*

Solid State Ionics, 2017, 309, 27-32

51. Fine-sized Pt nanoparticles dispersed on PdPt bimetallic nanocrystals with non-covalently functionalized graphene toward synergistic effects on the oxygen reduction reaction [Link]

KY Cho, YS Yeom, HY Seo, AS Lee, JP Hong, HK Jeong, KY Baek, HG Yoon*

Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 257, 412–422

50. Shaping micro-clusters via inverse jamming and topographic close-packing of microbombs [Link]

S Yu, H Cho, JP Hong, H Park, JC Jolly, HS Kang, JH Lee, J Kim, SH Lee, AS Lee, SM Hong, C Park, S Yang*, CM Koo*

Nature Communications, 2017, 8 (1), 721.

49. Ladder-Like Polysilsesquioxane Dielectrics for Organic Field-Effect Transistor Applications [Link]

M Pei,# AS Lee,# SS Hwang, H Yang*

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5 (42), 10955-10964

48. Multidirectional Wrinkle Patterns Programmed by Sequential Uniaxial Strain with Conformal yet Nontraceable Masks [Link]

H Park, H Cho, AS Lee, S Yu, JH Lee, KY Cho, SM Hong, CM Koo*

Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2017, 38 (19), 1700311

47. UV-Curable Antibacterial Ionic Polysilsesquioxanes: Structure-Property Relationships Investigating the Effect of Various Cations and Anions [Link]

AS Lee, JH Lee, SS Choi, KY Cho, S Yu, CM Koo, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

European Polymer Journal, 2017, 95, 323-334

46. Thermal, Mechanical, and Photophysical Properties of Carbazole-Substituted POSS and Ladder Polysilsesquioxane [Link]

AS Lee, YY Jo, SS Choi, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17 (8), 5562-5565

45. Lithium Ion Batteries Fabricated with Ionic Ladder-Like Polysilsesquioxane Hybrid Ionogels [Link]

JH Lee,# AS Lee,# SM Hong, SS Hwang, CM Koo*

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17 (8), 5570-5573

44. Multi-crosslinkable self-healing polysilsesquioxanes for the smart recovery of anti-scratch properties [Link]

YY Jo,# AS Lee,# KY Baek, H Lee, SS Hwang*

Polymer, 2017, 124, 78-87

43. Synthesis, characterization and photophysical behavior of heteroleptic ruthenium-complexed ladder-like structured polysilsesquioxanes [Link]

AR Marri, KY Cho, AS Lee, HJ Kim, SS Hwang, KY Baek*

Macromolecular Research, 2017, 25 (6), 591-598

42. Characterization of liquid state sulfur polymer/epoxy blend as asphalt pavement materials [Link]

H Kwon, AS Lee, JH Lee, NK Park, GD Kim, B Cho, SC Choi, S Yu*

Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017, 53, 386-391

41. Hybrid Ionogel Electrolytes Derived from Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane for Lithium Ion Batteries [Link]

JH Lee,# AS Lee,# JC Lee, SM Hong, SS Hwang, CM Koo*

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17 (5), 3101-3104

40. Polyethylene Glycol-Functionalized Siloxane Hybrid Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Ion Batteries [Link]

AS Lee,# JH Lee,# JC Lee, SM Hong, SS Hwang, CM Koo*

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17 (5), 3016-3020

39. Crystallization derivation of amine functionalized T 12 polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-conjugated poly (ethylene terephthalate) [Link]

AS Lee,# H Jeon,# SS Choi,# J Park, SY Hwang, J Jegal, DX Oh*, BC Kim*, SS Hwang*

Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 146, 42-48

38. Hybrid ionogels derived from polycationic polysilsesquioxanes for lithium ion batteries [Link]

JH Lee,# AS Lee,# SM Hong, SS Hwang, CM Koo*

Polymer, 2017, 117, 160-166

37. Multifunctional Mesoporous Ionic Gels and Scaffolds Derived from Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes [Link]

JH Lee,# AS Lee,# JC Lee, SM Hong, SS Hwang, CM Koo*

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9 (4), 3616-3623

36. Molybdenum-doped PdPt@ Pt Core-shell Octahedra Supported by Ionic Block Copolymer-functionalized Graphene as a Highly Active and Durable Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst [Link]

KY Cho, YS Yeom, HY Seo, P Kumar, AS Lee, KY Baek, HG Yoon*

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9 (2), 1524-1535

35. Thermally reversible self-healing polysilsesquioxane structure-property relationships based on Diels-Alder chemistry [Link]

YY Jo, AS Lee, KY Baek, H Lee, SS Hwang*

Polymer, 2017, 108 (13), 58-65


34. High-voltage ionic liquid electrolytes based on ether functionalized pyrrolidinium for electric double-layer capacitors [Link]

JH Lee,# JB Ryu,# AS Lee,# W Na, HS Yoon, WJ Kim, CM Koo*

Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 222, 1847-1852

33. Facilitated Ion Transport in Smectic Ordered Ionic Liquid Crystals [Link]

JH Lee, KS Han, JS Lee*, AS Lee, SK Park, SY Hong, JC Lee, KT Mueller*, SM Hong, CM Koo*

Advanced Materials, 2016, 28 (42), 9301–9307

32. Hydrolysis kinetics of a sol-gel equilibrium yielding ladder-like polysilsesquioxanes [Link]

AS Lee, SS Choi, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2016, 73, 7-11

31. Defect-induced Ripening of Zeolitic-Imidazolate Framework ZIF-8 and Its Implication to Vapor-phase Membrane Synthesis [Link]

HT Kwon, HK Jeong*, AS Lee, H An, T Lee, E Jang, JS Lee, J Choi

Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 11669-11672

30. Boronic ionogel electrolytes to improve lithium transport for Li-ion batteries [Link]

AS Lee,# JH Lee,# SM Hong, JC Lee, SS Hwang, CM Koo*

Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 215, 36-41

29. Side-Chain Engineering of Ladder-Structured Polysilsesquioxane Membranes for Gas Separations [Link]

S Park,# AS Lee,# YS Do,# JF Kim, SS Hwang*, YM Lee, JH Lee, JS Lee*

Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 516, 202-214

28. Decrosslinking reaction kintetics of silane-crosslinked polyethylene in sub-and supercritical fluids [Link]

BK Baek, YH La, AS Lee, H Han, SH Kim, SM Hong, CM Koo*

Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2016, 130, 103-108

27. Lithium Dendrite Suppression with UV-Curable Polysilsesquioxane Separator Binders [Link]

W Na,# AS Lee,# JH Lee, SS Hwang, E Kim, SM Hong, CM Koo*

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (20), 12852–12858

26. Stable 2D-structured supports incorporating ionic block copolymer-wrapped carbon nanotubes with graphene oxide toward compact decoration of metal nanoparticles and high-performance nano-catalysis [Link]

KY Cho, HY Seo, YS Yeom, P Kumar, AS Lee, KY Baek, HG Yoon*

Carbon, 2016, 105, 340-352

25. Lithium ion capacitors fabricated with polyethylene oxide-functionalized polysilsesquioxane hybrid ionogel electrolytes [Link]

W Na,# AS Lee,# JH Lee, SS Hwang, SM Hong, E Kim, CM Koo*

Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 188, 582–588


24. Incompletely condensed POSS-based spin-on-glass networks for impeccable ultra low-k integration [Link]

AS Lee, SS Choi, SY Oh, HS Lee, B Kim, SS Hwang, KY Baek*

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3, 11605-11611

23. Ion Conduction Behavior in Chemically Crosslinked Hybrid Ionogels: Effect of Free-dangling Oligoethyleneoxides [Link]

AS Lee,# JH Lee,# SM Hong, JC Lee, SS Hwang*, CM Koo*

RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 94241-94247

22. Tuning the Interface between Poly (vinylidene fluoride)/UV-Curable Polysilsesquioxane Hybrid Composites: Compatibility, Thermal, Mechanical, Electrical, and Surface Properties [Link]

KY Cho,# AS Lee,# H Jeon, SH Park, M Jang, HG Yoon, SM Hong, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

Polymer, 2015, 77, 167-176

21. Heteroepitaxially-grown Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Membranes with Unprecedented Propylene/Propane Separation Performances [Link]

HT Kwon, HK Jeong*, AS Lee, HS An, JS Lee

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137 (38), 12304–12311

20. Structural Control of Fully Condensed Polysilsesquioxanes: Ladderlike vs Cage Structured Polyphenylsilsesquioxanes [Link]

SS Choi,# AS Lee,# SS Hwang, KY Baek*

Macromolecules, 2015, 48 (17), 6063-6070

19. Rational molecular design of PEOlated ladder-structured polysilsesquioxane membranes for high performance CO 2 removal [Link]

S Park,# AS Lee,# YS Do,# SS Hwang*, YM Lee, JH Lee, JS Lee*

Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 15308-15311

18. Robust Spin-on-Glass Poly (methyl) silsesquioxane-based Low-k Materials Derived from a Cyclic Siloxane Precursor [Link]

AS Lee, SY Oh, SS Choi, HS Lee, SS Hwang, KY Baek*

RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 66511-66517

17. Preparation of highly emissive, thermally stable, UV-cured polysilsesquioxane/ZnO nanoparticle composites [Link]

H Jeon,# AS Lee,# HJ Kim, SH Cho, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132 (33), 42333

16. Mechanical Properties of Thiol-ene UV-Curable Thermoplastic Polysilsesquioxanes [Link]

AS Lee, YY Jo, H Jeon, SS Choi, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

Polymer, 2015, 68 (26), 140-146

15. Free-standing, polysilsesquioxane-based inorganic/organic Hybrid Membranes for Gas separations [Link]

WR Kang,# AS Lee,# S Park, SH Park, KY Baek, KB Lee, SH Lee, JH Lee, SS Hwang,* JS Lee*

Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 475, 384–394

14. Ionic block copolymer doped reduced graphene oxide supports with ultra-fine Pd nanoparticles: strategic realization of ultra-accelerated nanocatalysis [Link]

KY Cho, YS Yeom, HY Seo, P Kumar, AS Lee, KY Baek, HG Yoon*

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3 (41), 20471-20476

13. Hybrid ionogel electrolytes for high temperature lithium batteries [Link]

JH Lee,# AS Lee,# JC Lee, SM Hong, SS Hwang, CM Koo*

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3 (5), 2226-2233

12. Thiol-Ene Photopolymerization of Well-Defined Hybrid Graft Polymers from a Ladder-like Polysilsesquioxane [Link]

AS Lee, SS. Choi, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

Macromolecular Research, 2015, 23 (1), 60-66


11. Preparation of high modulus thin films based on photocurable azido-functionalized ladder-like structured polysilsesquioxanes [Link]

AS Lee, SS Choi, SH Jang, SS Hwang, KY Baek*

Macromolecular Research, 2014, 22 (10), 1109-1114

10. Fabrication of functional nanosized patterns with UV-curable polysilsesquioxane on photovoltaic protective glass substrates using hybrid nano-imprint lithography [Link]

JH Shin, BN Go, HJ Choi, JY Cho, AS Lee, SS Hwang, HJ Cha, H Lee*

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2 (29), 5864-5869

9. Cationically photopolymerizable epoxy-functionalized thermoplastic polysilsesquioxanes: synthesis and properties [Link]

AS Lee, SS Choi, SJ Song, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (99), 56532-56538

8. Novel polysilsesquioxane hybrid polymer electrolytes for lithium ion batteries [Link]

AS Lee,# JH Lee,# JC Lee, SM Hong, SS Hwang,* CM Koo*

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2 (5), 1277-1283


7. Synthesis and Characterization of Azido-Substituted Ladder-like Polysilsesquioxanes and their Click Chemistry [Link]

AS Lee, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2013, 580 (1), 88-94


6. Synthesis of a Photocurable Ladder-like Poly (phenyl-co-mercaptopropyl) silsesquioxane as Gate Dielectric Material [Link]

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2012, 566 (1), 126-134

AS Lee, KY Baek, SS Hwang*​

5. Synthesis and characterization of organic–inorganic hybrid block copolymers containing a fully condensed ladder‐like polyphenylsilsesquioxane [Link]

AS Lee, SS Choi, HS Lee, HY Jeon, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 50 (21), 4563-4570

4. A new, higher yielding synthetic route towards dodecaphenyl cage silsesquioxanes: synthesis and mechanistic insights [Link]

AS Lee, SS Choi, HS Lee, KY Baek, SS Hwang*

Dalton Transactions, 2012, 41 (35), 10585-10588


3. Synthesis and characterization of UV‐curable ladder‐like polysilsesquioxane [Link]

SS Choi, AS Lee, HS Lee, HY Jeon, KY Baek, DH Choi, SS Hwang*

Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2011 49 (23), 5012-5018

2. Synthesis of ladder-like polysilsesquioxane with well-defined graft polymers [Link]

SS Choi, AS Lee, HS Lee, DH Choi, SS Hwang, KY Baek*

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2011, 539 (1), 174/[514]-183/[523]

1. Synthesis and characterization of ladder-like structured polysilsesquioxane with carbazole group [Link]

SS Choi, AS Lee, HS Lee, KY Baek, DH Choi, SS Hwang*

Macromolecular Research, 2011, 19 (3), 261-265


3. Gel Polymer Electrolytes Derived from a Polysilsesquioxane Crosslinker for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries

김은지, 이성수, 이진홍*

Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 2021, 32 (4), 467-471

2. 기능성 실세스퀴옥산 코팅소재

이성수, 조영열, 최유미, 김보민, 백경열, 황승상*

Polymer Science and Technology, 2016, 27 (4), 287-296

1. 리튬고분자전지용 실리콘계 고분자 전해질

이성수, 이진홍, 홍순만, 구종민, 황승상*

정밀화학, 2014, 50-55


11. Catalyst composition with improved chemical warfare agent degradation ability and processability

KY Baek, SM Hong, SS Hwang, CM Koo, SJ Kim, AS Lee, JY Seo, MH Choi, YR Lee, S Kim, DX Huy, QT Nguyen, S Cho. 

US Patent App. 17162639 (2021)

10. Doped Polymer Electrolytes and Methods of Making and Using the Same

AS Lee, YS Kim 

US Patent 10,991,966 (2021)

9. Water Electrolysis

D Li, YS Kim, AS Lee

US Patent App. 17025493 (2021)

8. Self-Healing Polysilsesquioxanes and Hybrid Film Using the Same

SS Hwang, SM Hong, CM Koo, KY Baek, AS Lee, YY Jo

US Patent App. 15/833,400 (2019)

7. Carbon molecular sieve membranes based on fluorine-containing polymer/polysilsesquioxane blending precursors and method for fabricating the same

JS Lee, SS Hwang, SH Park, AS Lee

US Patent 9,901,880 (2018)

6. Gas separation membrane with ladder-structured polysilsesquioxane and method for fabricating the same

JS Lee, SS Hwang, AS Lee, SH Park, SH Park, S Lee

US Patent 9,855,532 (2018)

5. Coating compositions comprising polyorgano-silsesquioxane and a wavelength converting agent, and a wavelength converting sheet using the same

SH Cho, SS Hwang, SY Lee, JK Park, KY Baek, AS Lee

US Patent 9,567,487 (2017)

4. Mercapto-based polysilsesquioxane and method for preparing functional polysilsesquioxane using the same

SS Hwang, SM Hong, KY Baek, CM Koo, AS Lee

US Patent 9,487,628 (2016)

3. Method for preparing a polysilsesquioxane of a controlled structure and polysilsesquioxane prepared by the same

SS Hwang, SM Hong, SJ Kwak, KY Baek, CM Koo, SS Choi, AS Lee

US Patent 8,927,673 (2015)

2. Light-emitting material comprising photoactive group-bonded polysilsesquioxane having a ladder structure, thin film using the same and organic electronic device comprising the same

KY Baek, SS Hwang, SS Choi, AS Lee, HS Lee, SY Oh

US Patent 8,441,005 (2013)

1. Photoactive group-bonded polysilsesquioxane having a ladder structure and a method for preparing the same

SS Hwang, KY Baek, C Seung-Sock, HS Lee, AS Lee, SY Oh

US Patent App. 12/851,708 (2011)


1. Low dielectric materials for microelectronics [Link]

HS Lee, AS Lee, KY Baek, SS Hwang

INTECH Open Access Publisher (2011)

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